Sunday, February 13, 2011

Seasons of Friendship

Time rushes by quickly as I view into the past
Sensitive to where I’ve been and where I’ve come at last.
And as I glance with awe at events now present in each day,
I’m grateful for each season and the paths along the way.

It seems that just yesterday I was in the springtime of my life
Sharing seeds with all around me through the joy and through the strife.
For that awakening in my childhood and the freshness of those years
Gave birth to a special friendship that was so loving and so dear.

Then came the summer of refinement when the sun would scorch my back
As I saw some seeds I’d planted wither from the water they did lack.
I had put aside the attention that a certain yield would need
And lost the reward of a friendship through the thickness of my own weeds.

But in the coolness of this autumn as I reap what I have sowed
I see a crop of good and plenty as I matured in what I’ve come to know.
For a seed that once was planted in the springtime of my youth
Has survived the fiery sting of summer and opened a door of truth.

And when it’s time for winter and the crops are stricken bare
May I keep my cup full by showing my friend that I still care.
For when that yield seems lost because the falling of snow above
I know it will live on because it was planted with true love.

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