Sunday, February 13, 2011


Are you a citizen of this great and wonderful country?
Do you know what that really means?
Have you thought about the men that fought for our liberty?
And what price they paid for you and me?

Is being a good citizen only about where you were born?
Or is it the respect you show when you salute the American Flag
Is it the fact that you obey the laws of the land
And acknowledge the civil rights of others?

Being an American citizen means so much more
For it is actively being involved in the cause of good
It is making our communities the best possible place for all to live
It is learning and growing and giving back to our brothers and sisters
It’s taking action and not being idle spectators.
It is doing the will of our Heavenly Father.

We should feel once again what it means to be a citizen
Of the United States of America
We need to feel the thrill and sensation
And have the swellings within our bosoms about this country.

We must now act upon these feelings and show our patriotism.
It is our responsibility to give back
To earn the rights and privileges of living in this nation.

We will continue to salute our flag
And obey our countries laws for they are wonderful binding symbols
But the heart of patriotism lies in our attitudes
That are rooted in our every day lives and behaviors.
When we show respect, integrity, loyalty, and self-sacrifice.
When we are considerate to our neighbor and
Show appreciation to our brothers and sisters we are not only better citizens but we are being obedient to promises we made to our Father in Heaven.

America is a choice land, a land reserved for God’s own purposes.
A land that is free from bondage and from captivity.
A land that was prepared from the beginning.
A land that Christopher Columbus was so inspired by the Holy Ghost to seek for.
A land so great that our Father in Heaven raised up great men to establish this foundation of our government.
A land where our Founding Fathers worked hard as did many others that came before us to help lay a foundation of freedom.
A land so choice that nearly 9,000 were killed in the fight for independence.
A land that was worth the cost to those who dreamed.

Are you a citizen of this great and wonderful country?
Do you know what that really means?
Have you thought about the men that fought for our liberty?
And what price they paid for you and me?

Now it is our responsibility to literally become the conscience of America.
The molders of its destiny and future.
We must be examples of kindness, with charity of love for one another.
We must show our love and reverence for our Almighty God.
This is the time for you to be bold enough to stand up for what you believe, to let the world know that God still blesses this great land of America.
It is time to stand up and be counted with those who would preserve this land of the free and the brave.

The United States of America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
Not only should we love it, but also we ought to talk about it and be apart of it.
What a wonderful heritage we have.
We should continue to kindle the fires of freedom that our fathers kindled in us.
I am proud to be an American.
I cannot sing “America the Beautiful” without tears coming to my eyes.
When I stand with my hand over my heart and sing our national anthem,
I’m so proud I can hardly stand it.
When I think of all the noble men and women who gave their lives for this land, I feel a sacred resolve well up within me and I know that we must stand for truth and righteousness as we press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope and a love of God and of all men.

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